Diocese in Europe e-news
We will be having a BBQ after the 10.30am service on Sunday 26th June 2022. Come and join us celebrate. Everyone is welcome….Please bring your own meat to bbq and a salad, cheese, a drink to share.
As Christians, involved in society and our local churches, there is so much we can contribute to addressing nature loss, climate change and other environmental issues. And there’s nothing more supportive than walking together in caring for and protecting God’s earth! https://mailchi.mp/arocha/wildchristianonwed?e=07d56f4711
Pop-up-Café Café Solidaire Кава «Солідарність». We will be starting a Pop-Up-Café on Tuesday afternoons from 14h – 16h in the Church Centre. It is open to everyone but particularly for Ukrainian families who have arrived in the region. Come and have a chat over a coffee or tea.
This edition of European Anglicans is published at a time of great suffering, shock and sorrow in our diocese. War has returned to our continent. We have news of how the diocese is responding – an update on the extraordinarily generous response to Bishop Robert’s appeal for Ukraine and details of practical Read more…
To celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee – Saturday 4th June 2022 in the park of the Château de Raray
Since being appointed Local Environment Officer in January, I have registered St Peter’s as an Ecochurch within the Diocese of Europe. EcoChurch is an award scheme run by A Rocha UK (an international Christian organisation for nature conservation) equipping churches to care for God’s creation, which is the fifth Mark Read more…
For the link to the Diary: click here
Easter Services Friday 15th April – Good Friday Vigil at 7.30pm (19h30) Sunday 17th Easter Day There will be two services on Easter Sunday. A sunrise service in the Church garden at 6.45am followed with bacon butties in the Church Centre then Holy Communion at 10.30am followed with an bring Read more…