Easter Book Sale – Saturday 9th April 2022
St. Peter’s Easter Book Sale Saturday 9th April from 9.30am – 5pm in the Church centre. There will also be a ‘Tea Garden’ open for refreshments and English Cakes
St. Peter’s Easter Book Sale Saturday 9th April from 9.30am – 5pm in the Church centre. There will also be a ‘Tea Garden’ open for refreshments and English Cakes
St Peter’s will be having an Easter Book Sale on April 9th 2022 If you would like to donate English books then they can be dropped off at the Church Centre on Tuesday afternoons 14h-16h, Thursday mornings 9h-11h and Sunday mornings. Thank you
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, The situation in Ukraine is very deeply troubling. President Putin is leading a completely unjustified and aggressive war against Ukraine, a war which many ordinary Russians deeply deplore. Leaders from many Christian churches, including the Ukrainian Orthodox (Russian Patriarchate) Church have condemned the invasion Read more…
Journée Mondiale de Prière (JMP) Une soirée de prière près de chez vous Chaque année, les femmes chrétiennes d’un pays différent conçoivent et rédigent une célébration œcuménique pour le monde. Ainsi, les mêmes mots déclinés dans la diversité des langues invitent à prier le Seigneur. Le 4 mars 2022, les Read more…
Tuesday 1st March 19h00ALL AGE SERVICE FOR SHROVE TUESDAYWhy do we make pancakes on Shrove Tuesday?Come and find out as we journey into LentWe will mix up some pancake batter – and share pancakes! Wednesday 2nd March at 19h30ASH WEDNESDAY Service with Holy Communion
Services at St. Peter’s Church-March 2022 1st March Shrove Tuesday – 7pm Evening Service (with pancakes) 2nd March Ash Wednesday -7.30pm Evening Service Sunday 6th March – First Sunday in Lent 9am Holy Communion (BCP) & 10.30am Morning Worship Sunday 13th March – 10.30am Holy Communion (CW) Sunday 20th March Read more…
‘Women of Holy Week: An Easter Journey in Nine Stories’ (2021, Church House Publishing) by Paula Gooder, Canon Chancellor of St Paul’s Cathedral) explores the events of the Crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension through the eyes of nine female characters. Each story is accompanied by The Rev’d Ally Barrett’s beautiful artwork Read more…
Men’s Breakfast group will be meeting this Saturday in St. Peter’s Church Centre at 9am. Coffee, breakfast and some points of thought: Numbers 7:89 When Moses entered the Tent of meeting to speak with the Lord, he heard the voice speaking to him from between the two cherubim above the Read more…
EPIPHANY COURSE An Online course will be starting on 3rd February at 7PM‘BE STILL’ from 24/7 prayerQuiet times can seem out of reach in our increasingly noisy world, just too hard to maintain. This course gives us a practical and vitally important framework for enriching this daily spiritual discipline. It Read more…
We are a drop-in café for mums, carers andbabies with baby toys, group singing andhomemade cakes!Come and relax, meet new people, makefriends and have a chat.