Journées du patrimoine – Chantilly – 16 & 17 Sept
St. Peter’s Church will be open to the public on Saturday 16th and 17th September. There will be a guided tour by Eric Barde from the Maire de Chantilly at 3pm on Saturday and 4pm on Sunday. English tea & cakes will be available
Rentrée Apéritif – Saturday 9th September
St. Peter’s will be holding their annuel ‘Rentrée apéritif’ on Saturday 9th September from 6pm – 8pm in the garden. Everyone is most welcome
Services in September
The services during September will be led by Rev’d Paul Willis Sunday 3rd September – Led by Tiffany Cawood & Nick Sansbury 10.30am Service of the word Sunday 10th September – 10.30am Holy Communion – Creation Care Sunday 17th September 9am BCP Holy Communion 10.30am Common Worship Sunday 24th September 10.30am Holy Communion Sunday 1st October 9am BCP Holy Communion 10.30am Common Worship
Services at St. Peter’s in August
Sunday 6th August Transfiguration Trinity 9 9am BCP Holy Communion Rev’d John Lenton 10.30am Morning Worship Rev’d John Lenton Sunday 13th August 10.30am Holy Communion Rev’d John Lenton Sunday 20th August 9am BCP Holy Communion Rev’d Charles Wallace 10.30am Morning Worship Rev’d Charles Wallace Sunday 27th August 10.30am Holy Communion Rev’d Charles Wallace
British Embassy Newsletter June 2023
Services at St. Peter’s in July
SUNDAY SERVICE PREACHER/SERVICE LEADER Saturday 1st July Malagasy Wedding 10am Malagasy Church Sunday 2nd July4th after Trinity 9am BCP Holy Communion Rev’d Terence MacMath 10.30am Baptism & Holy Communion Rev’d Terence MacMath Sunday 9th July5th after Trinity 10.30am Holy Communion Rev’d Terence MacMath Sunday 16th July6th after Trinity 9am Holy Communion Rev’d Terence MacMath 10.30am Morning Worship Rev’d Terence MacMath Sunday 23rd July 10.30am Holy Communion Rev’d John Lenton Sunday 30th July 10.30am Holy Communion Read more…
Concert of English Renaissance Music – Friday 23rd June at 8.30pm
After the success of the Winchester College Chapel Choir concert last March, St Peter’s Church has the pleasure of inviting you to another concert on Friday 23rd June at 8.30pm, 7a avenue du Bouteiller in Chantilly. The tickets (€12) will be available at the door. The style of The Greensleeves Duet – English Renaissance music – is smooth and meditative. The two musicians recently recorded an album. Here is one of their pieces on YouTube Read more…